Thursday, November 20, 2014

What a year to be alive!

This is the first time someone read my message in Japanese in a public podcast.

And it was read in one of my favorite Japanese podcast. It has given me so much hope especially during the stressful hours of my life. And for them to read my message has been a great, great honor.

Although my message was really bad 'cause I'm not good at expressing myself well in Japanese at the moment. But at least I tried conveying my feelings to them!

But still, this makes one of the happiest days I had this year.

Great News!

I apologize for not being able to update this blog for the past few months. I was really busy from all those studying for the board exam.

And guess what?

I passed my licensure exam. I am finally a licensed Psychometrician.

The moment I heard about the news, I went running to my parents and cried my heart out to them. It was all thanks to them that I have acquired this success. And also, thanks to those who have given me courage and self-confidence especially during those times that I was really down.

And fortunately, on the same month, I was hired as a part-time instructor in a small college teaching General Psychology. To be honest, it wasn't part of my original plans after the board exams but this could be a good experience for me for further career advancement. And it can give me more time to study for my incoming JLPT this coming December. (Seriously, I never stop taking official exams since last year. wwww\)


I just hope that my students will take me seriously 'cause I actually look like one of them. (laugh)