Wednesday, July 17, 2013



It's been a while since the last time I updated this blog, though I have already mentioned before that I might not be able to update daily because of a circumstance you called "being lazy". /laughs Though I swear, this time, I will try to update this every now and then.

A lot of things have happened for half a year now, and from those happenings, I learned a lot of things.

For the information of everyone, I just graduated this March and it was one of the happiest days of  my life. I graduated without any failing marks and I made my parents very proud of me. I have learned a lot in college and thanks to it, I have become the person I want to be now.

But after graduating came one of the most difficult transitions I have experienced in my life. From having a very carefree college life, I have to become more responsible, think more about my future, and start looking for work.

It wasn't easy being temporary unemployed for four months. I am always stressed out about being unemployed while some people I know are working and doing their best. I hate the feeling that I cannot contribute something to my family and worst, I suck of from them by being a temporary freeloader.

I really tried my best to look for work. I passed out my resumes to companies that had job openings. I went to some interviews but unfortunately, I failed every time. I know the basics of interviews but the moment you are already taking one, it's really hard to apply the concepts that you know by heart.

And because of failing several times, it has affected me a lot psychologically. I felt depressed for days and I don't feel like doing anything. My parents were really concerned about me and told me if they could help me get in a company through connections. I know connections are really important and but sometimes being able to get in the job that you really want ON YOUR OWN would make you feel prouder about myself. Unfortunately, I am a prideful person and as much as I can, I really hate relying on others.

But in those times, my family still continued to support me and never failed to give me encouragements.

That's why I didn't stop. I continued going to more job interviews. And I happened to apply for a work slightly different from my course but I think it's a really interesting work AND YES, I GOT IT!

It is maybe just a temporary part time work but I have finally found the first work that I am really happy about and proud of. It is something that I really enjoy doing and I am very happy about meeting new people and learning new things about them and their culture.

But that doesn't end my job hunting. I am still in need of a more stable work, and I really want a work where I could apply my course.

This coming Saturday, I have a job interview in a well known company and I hope my I will get it for real this time. I REALLY HOPE!


So please wish me luck!


  1. Jecka-neesama, good luck <3
    It's your imouto-chan, Elizabeth :3

    1. Elizabeth! <333
      I wish to hear more from you!
      And thank you very much! <3
