Tuesday, July 30, 2013



Well... Maybe perhaps it was really not meant to be for me.
There are other beautiful things that life can offer.
I am too tired of being gloomy at this point.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


I had my day off today to meet some of my girl friends way back in college. We were block mates for four years and we've been a lot together, in good and bad times. I really miss those times we spent together in college. I believe my college friends are one of the most awesome friends I've ever had in my life.

It's been four months since we graduated and parted ways. I felt really lonely, but despite that, we still communicate with one another every now and then through phone and Facebook. Some of them are living in provinces so that's why meeting up is unlikely to happen. And some of us are already working while some are busy at med schools. 

And meeting them after four months made me really glad and excited. I wonder if they changed a lot during those months.

Before meeting up with them, my mom bought me a new pair of sandals. (  ノTwT)ノ ありがとう、お母さん!She told me it's her present for me for a job well done (in my part time work). And also, I bought a couple of stuff. I ran out of black eyeliner so I bought a new one. It's one of the make-up I only use since I'm not used to putting eye shadows and other things. And another thing I bought was a thinning scissor so I can use it to cut my hair bangs next time. I'm not kidding when I say I want to learn how to cut my own hair because I'm too lazy to go to the salon and I don't really like people touching my hair much. 

"Yay~ New stuff"
"At least I don't have to go to the salon every now and then to trim my hair"

After a while, I met up with my college girl friends and one of them treated us to a dinner. While enjoying our dinner, we talked about a lot of things-- about what happened to us after graduation, about our work (for us who are already working), what happened to others especially those people who went to med school, and others things. I felt happy, at the same time, quite sad since we don't usually talk about this kind of things before. I mean, we used to talk about school works, annoying professors, school events, and some boys. We were too young back then to be bothered about responsibilities and life. But now, we discuss about work responsibilities and our plans for two or three years from now. Maybe some of us are still uncertain about the future, but I think all of us have that different kind of feel now. We feel more like ADULTS now.

To be honest, I don't feel like an adult yet. Yes, I do have my own goals I want to achieve but there are times in my life that I feel uncertain about my future.

After a lovely dinner, we did one thing that we've always wanted to do in college-- and that's hair dying. But not really one of the things to do, perhaps I just went with the flow and I want to try it myself.

One of my girl friends is really interested to have her hair dyed during college but her father won't allow her. But since, she's currently working, she want to try it. We bought this really cheap DIY hair dye for ourselves and tried hair dying on our own.

To be honest, I was not sure what we are doing but anyway...

"So this is our before look... I guess we still look like college students like we did back then"

"I'm sorry we are just too happy and it's been a while since we took a photo together"
"It was my turn first---"


"My friend's turn to have light brown in her..."

"After the treatment..."

And.... Unfortunately, it failed. Nothing special happened and nothing happened to our hair. I guess going to the salon to have your hair dyed or buying a better product is a better idea.

After that failed attempt to dye our hair, we went back to the mall and my friends bought some make-up instead.

But because of this experience, I am having thoughts of trying to dye my hair, probably chestnut brown. I'm not sure yet if it will fit me. I mean, I haven't done anything to my hair aside from cutting or having a hair rebond so I think it's worth a try... I guess...

Today was a wonderful day. We did some things like we did back then in college and it's great to be able to meet my girl friends again. 


Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I cut my hair today, particularly my hair bangs, because they are too long and I can't see well.

I usually cut my own hair bangs because I am too lazy to go to the salon and I don't really trust hair stylists, especially when they say they are only going to give you a trim but in fact, they cut a lot from your hair. It's really annoying.

I felt great after the haircut because I can see properly now.

However, after my mom saw my hair, she scolded me a bit. She told me it made me look like younger than my real age. I don't really mind though.

Sunday, July 21, 2013


I woke up late as always this morning and I found out that my nails grew too long again. I like having my nails long but sometimes it's really a bother especially in typing. And so I have to cut them.

Ahhh~ My fingers look stubby again...
" Stubby fingers"
And one of my cats, Lupin, was being clingy again and I had to entertain him this time. Oh! Maybe I can show a picture of him. Wait! I'll take a picture...
"Lupi--- HEY! DO NOT MOVE!"


"Oh yes! Perfect! (  ^w^)"
And I also noticed that my hair bangs grew long again. And I just cut them a few weeks ago. Maybe I should have them cut after bath! (TwT  )

Friday, July 19, 2013

J-Melo Fan Meeting

Today was another day-off well-spent with my fellow seiyuu fan friends, whom I consider as an important family.

I have to be really honest here. At first, I have totally no idea about J-Melo and who Inoue Joe is. /crying because we have no NHK World channel okay.../ I was told by a friend that he is a very good singer and I'm like, "Oh okay! I want to see for myself what kind of a good singer he is." And no kidding, he's really good and also funny too! And being part of this J-Melo fan meeting was one of the best experiences I had this year.

We arrived at the venue earlier than expected and we saw a lot of Filipino J-pop fans everywhere. The venue was kind of small but enough to accommodate us. Seeing a lot of Filipino fans here, you could say that Philippines actually has a big J-Pop fan base and it would be really nice and totally appreciated if some J-Pop artists or bands could come over here in our country and have their live shows. /ehem/ Perfume please /ehem/

And we got to see Inoue Joe in person. He's really nice and funny. He likes to joke around and make the crowd laugh. And his English is so good too. He is just too... amazing.

During the fan meeting, a lot of Filipino fans shared their favorite J-pop artists and bands, and how they have been inspired by these wonderful people. And actually, one of them got to see Perfume live in Singapore and I'm really jealous... Just wow, okay! And some of them sang some Japanese songs and they sang really good!

One of the funny parts about the fan meeting was that most of the staffs are speaking in both Japanese and English and Inoue Joe actually cracked a joke about it.

Japanese staffs: *talked about blocking and camera related stuff in Japanese*
Inoue Joe: Oh sorry guys! We were just talking about dinner here.
Some people who can understand Japanese: No, Inoue-san! Don't lie to us please. /laughs

And so the fan meeting ended with the crowd laughing a lot and enjoying the night with Inoue Joe and the Japanese staff. We had our picture with Inoue Joe taken by one of the staffs.
With Inoue Joe. He's really funny and amazing!

After the fan meeting, we took the last train going to SM North Edsa to have our late dinner there. And then we went home after that.
Oops! Sorry with my face... It's just that it's been a while.
"Late dinner while enjoying watching a video clip of some of our favorite seiyuu cooking" 

I actually got home really late so my parents were really worried about me. After taking the jeepney on my way home, I found my parents waiting for me at the corner of the street. They fetched me, and I got a short scolding for coming home really late.. Well, it was partially my fault because I didn't inform them beforehand about the event. /sorry

After getting home, I told my big brother about my plan of probably getting JLPT this year since I just brought home a lot of brochures related to it and maybe it's about time I take JLPT this year but.... I'm not sure... I mean, I am not proficient enough in Japanese and I still have a long way to go.
"Some things I brought home from the fan meeting"
Today was really awesome!! I am a little tired and I still have a job interview to ace tomorrow. So please wish me luck! ( ノTwTノ)


Wednesday, July 17, 2013



It's been a while since the last time I updated this blog, though I have already mentioned before that I might not be able to update daily because of a circumstance you called "being lazy". /laughs Though I swear, this time, I will try to update this every now and then.

A lot of things have happened for half a year now, and from those happenings, I learned a lot of things.

For the information of everyone, I just graduated this March and it was one of the happiest days of  my life. I graduated without any failing marks and I made my parents very proud of me. I have learned a lot in college and thanks to it, I have become the person I want to be now.

But after graduating came one of the most difficult transitions I have experienced in my life. From having a very carefree college life, I have to become more responsible, think more about my future, and start looking for work.

It wasn't easy being temporary unemployed for four months. I am always stressed out about being unemployed while some people I know are working and doing their best. I hate the feeling that I cannot contribute something to my family and worst, I suck of from them by being a temporary freeloader.

I really tried my best to look for work. I passed out my resumes to companies that had job openings. I went to some interviews but unfortunately, I failed every time. I know the basics of interviews but the moment you are already taking one, it's really hard to apply the concepts that you know by heart.

And because of failing several times, it has affected me a lot psychologically. I felt depressed for days and I don't feel like doing anything. My parents were really concerned about me and told me if they could help me get in a company through connections. I know connections are really important and but sometimes being able to get in the job that you really want ON YOUR OWN would make you feel prouder about myself. Unfortunately, I am a prideful person and as much as I can, I really hate relying on others.

But in those times, my family still continued to support me and never failed to give me encouragements.

That's why I didn't stop. I continued going to more job interviews. And I happened to apply for a work slightly different from my course but I think it's a really interesting work AND YES, I GOT IT!

It is maybe just a temporary part time work but I have finally found the first work that I am really happy about and proud of. It is something that I really enjoy doing and I am very happy about meeting new people and learning new things about them and their culture.

But that doesn't end my job hunting. I am still in need of a more stable work, and I really want a work where I could apply my course.

This coming Saturday, I have a job interview in a well known company and I hope my I will get it for real this time. I REALLY HOPE!


So please wish me luck!