I had my day off today to meet some of my girl friends way back in college. We were block mates for four years and we've been a lot together, in good and bad times. I really miss those times we spent together in college. I believe my college friends are one of the most awesome friends I've ever had in my life.
It's been four months since we graduated and parted ways. I felt really lonely, but despite that, we still communicate with one another every now and then through phone and Facebook. Some of them are living in provinces so that's why meeting up is unlikely to happen. And some of us are already working while some are busy at med schools.
And meeting them after four months made me really glad and excited. I wonder if they changed a lot during those months.
Before meeting up with them, my mom bought me a new pair of sandals. ( ノTwT)ノ ありがとう、お母さん!She told me it's her present for me for a job well done (in my part time work). And also, I bought a couple of stuff. I ran out of black eyeliner so I bought a new one. It's one of the make-up I only use since I'm not used to putting eye shadows and other things. And another thing I bought was a thinning scissor so I can use it to cut my hair bangs next time. I'm not kidding when I say I want to learn how to cut my own hair because I'm too lazy to go to the salon and I don't really like people touching my hair much.
"Yay~ New stuff"
"At least I don't have to go to the salon every now and then to trim my hair"
After a while, I met up with my college girl friends and one of them treated us to a dinner. While enjoying our dinner, we talked about a lot of things-- about what happened to us after graduation, about our work (for us who are already working), what happened to others especially those people who went to med school, and others things. I felt happy, at the same time, quite sad since we don't usually talk about this kind of things before. I mean, we used to talk about school works, annoying professors, school events, and some boys. We were too young back then to be bothered about responsibilities and life. But now, we discuss about work responsibilities and our plans for two or three years from now. Maybe some of us are still uncertain about the future, but I think all of us have that different kind of feel now. We feel more like ADULTS now.
To be honest, I don't feel like an adult yet. Yes, I do have my own goals I want to achieve but there are times in my life that I feel uncertain about my future.
After a lovely dinner, we did one thing that we've always wanted to do in college-- and that's hair dying. But not really one of the things to do, perhaps I just went with the flow and I want to try it myself.
One of my girl friends is really interested to have her hair dyed during college but her father won't allow her. But since, she's currently working, she want to try it. We bought this really cheap DIY hair dye for ourselves and tried hair dying on our own.
To be honest, I was not sure what we are doing but anyway...
"So this is our before look... I guess we still look like college students like we did back then"
"I'm sorry we are just too happy and it's been a while since we took a photo together"
"It was my turn first---"
"My friend's turn to have light brown in her..."
"After the treatment..."
And.... Unfortunately, it failed. Nothing special happened and nothing happened to our hair. I guess going to the salon to have your hair dyed or buying a better product is a better idea.
After that failed attempt to dye our hair, we went back to the mall and my friends bought some make-up instead.
But because of this experience, I am having thoughts of trying to dye my hair, probably chestnut brown. I'm not sure yet if it will fit me. I mean, I haven't done anything to my hair aside from cutting or having a hair rebond so I think it's worth a try... I guess...
Today was a wonderful day. We did some things like we did back then in college and it's great to be able to meet my girl friends again.